Monday, August 10, 2009


Ashlee and Karen

Last week we got to go with my side of the family to one of my favorite places, Lake Powell. We had such a great time. The girls and I went by ourselves because Nate had to work, and boy did he miss out!! We drove down Sunday morning and spent the afternoon setting up camp.


The next morning we got on the lake. We all had so much fun!!

Jenessa, Joshua and Ashlee

Ashlee was a little fish and loved swimming around. She was quite the adventurer. She LOVED the water weenie and she even knee boarded!! She also rode the wave runners back to the dock with me. It was quite a bumpy ride, but she held on tight and we made it!
Ashlee knee boarding

Ashlee and Zach on the water weenie

Taylor like swimming around and relaxing. She is not a big fan of being dirty, so she didn't really play in the sand much. She did like to ride on the wave runners though.

Taylor trying to decide if she wants to get dirty or not
Taylor enjoying the water

Taylor and Karen

Each night we would go back to the camp grounds and have dinner. We always go into Page at least one night and have ice cream at the Big Dipper. This part of the trip is always a highlight.

I was even pretty brave and did a little skiing and wakeborading!

We spent three long but great days on the lake. Thursday we packed up and headed home. (I think I am still trying to recover!) It was a great trip and we can't wait to go back next year!


Gonzales Family said...

WE just got back the end of July! TOtally fun! It is nice to get out in the water!

Cass said...

It was so much fun! You're always so on top of things to get your blog updated so quickly! I haven't even thought that far! It is so overwhelming! Great job!

Nater said...

Very fun. I've had two co-workers and a guy in our bishopric take their families to lake powell this year. Now you guys, I'm getting jealous. Looks fun. Tell Nate I said hello. Thanks, Nate Peterson

Becky said...

How fun! It makes me sad that the summer is coming to an end:(